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Struggle for Justice

Struggle for Justice & Specificity of Place and Context is important to the Beloved Community Charlotte.  Our collective covenant proclaims

  • We will collectively analyze our individual and collective experiences and needs to strategize for taking collective action toward justice.

  • We commit to nonviolent collective resistance of the external policies, norms, and systems that diminish the abundant life God intends for all creation.

  • We will honor the native land when we gather. An example is found here..

  • We will stay attuned to social issues and concerns in our city.

  • We will discern where it is best for BCC to gather.  We commit to taking care of the place in which we gather, with hands on labor and monetary funds.

Beloved Community Charlotte members are
individually and collectively active in a number of
justice organizations and projects such as:

A conference focused on providing actionable steps individuals, churches, and other groups can take to provide effective compassion and mercy to all in Charlotte.


An organization working at the intersection of faith, culture, and social change. QCFT intentionally and actively nurtures people and places so that they might create thriving communities of abundance, justice, imagination, and mutual care for all.  Through practices of cultural organizing, we strengthen social infrastructure, expand on interdependence, mutual aid, and solidarity where it already exists. 

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An organization that provides services and resources to the formerly incarcerated and criminal justice involved that lead to self sufficiency.

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An organization with a mission of repairing homes, revitalizing communities, rebuilding lives. 

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West Side Community Land Trust

The WSCLT mission is to provide permanently affordable housing with community-centered development in West Charlotte and beyond.

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